Our Services
Knife Pleat

Also referred to as flat pleats. This is the most common and basic style of pleating used in the industry. These pleats are generally about a inch apart, all facing one direction.
This style of pleating is available in many different sizes.
Graduated Knife Pleat

Also referred to as flared flat pleats. This is a style of pleating which is similar to the knife pleat. The only significant difference being the pleating underneath can differ in size between the hip and hem.
Sunray Pleat

Sunray or sunburst pleating is a style which originates from a single point at the center.
This style of pleating is available in many different sizes.
Box Pleat

Fabric folded to create a wide, flat area at the top. Can be used as a series of pleats e.g. a skirt.
- We do not stock fabric, has to be provided by the customer.
- Completion of work dependent on size of order.
- We prefer orders of higher quantities, however, we will never turn away an individual seeking assistance.
- We can provide any style of hand pleating, the styles shown above are readily available thus, the customer only has to pay for per unit of production. If a hand pleating style that is not shown above is required (e.g. Accordion), the customer would need to pay for the sample to be created, in addition to per unit of production required. Orders of high volume typically require more samples to be created.
- We can deliver to customers based in London for high volume orders.